The "Alternatives to Violence Project" Training that took place from July 14th to the 16th was a success. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed!

The "Alternatives to Violence Project" Training that took place from July 14th to the 16th was a success. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed!

The "Alternatives to Violence Project" Training that took place from July 14th to the 16th was a success. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed!
The Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse (ACTS) is a grassroots, interfaith network advocating for social justice. We are voices striving for a more just and fair community that improves the quality of life for all.

Youth Council @ Temple Concord
5:00 pm
ACTS' Pre-K Task Force
@ Temple Concord
7:00 pm
ACTS' Community Violence and Youth Task Force
7:00 pm
Criminal Justice Task Force
@ Grace Episcopal
5:15 pm
ACTS' Criminal Justice Task Force
@ Grace Episcopal Church
5:15 pm

The Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, and our tax ID number is 223796045. Your contribution should qualify as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes, but, as with any donation, you should consult with your personal income tax advisor about your particular tax situation.
Monthly Meetings:
Pre-K Task Force 1st Monday @ 7:00 PM @ Temple Concord
Criminal Justice Task Force 2nd Tuesday @ 5:15 PM @ Grace Episcopal Church (Madison St. ent.)
Community Violence & Youth 1st Tuesday @ 7:00 PM @ Southwest Community Center on South Ave.
Youth Council 1st Saturday @ 5:00 PM and 3rd Tuesday at 6:00 PM @ Temple Concord.
Tuesday, March 13
Leadership Council @ May Memorial Unitarian Society 7:00 PM
Thursday, March 15
Research & Action Committee @ Temple Concord time TBD
Tuesday, March 20
Criminal Justice Task Force @ Grace Episcopal Church 5:15 PM
Wednesday, March 21
Banquet Committee @ Temple Concord 1:00 PM
Thursday, March 22
Overs and Unders of I-81 @ Slocum Hall/SU 4:00 PM
Board Meeting @ Temple Concord 5:30 PM
Friday, March 23
Moving People Transportation Coalition @ Temple Concord 3:00 PM
Saturday, March 24
March For Our Lives @ Everson Museum 12:00 Noon
Restorative Services Work Group of the Criminal Justice Task Force - for the Justice Center @ Plymouth Church
Strategic Planning @ Temple Concord 5:30 PM
Dominique Donnay
ACTS Youth Council Member
Is Now An Unsung Hero!

Dom Donnay is a sophomore at the Syracuse City School District (SCSD) Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central (ITC). His mother is responsible for the nomination, and writes “Dominique is an extremely dedicated young man. He works very hard at helping to create change for his community and to create a better educational environment for students of the Syracuse City School District.” According to his nomination, Donnay serves on three Syracuse City School District committees, including the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, which is working to create a strategic action plan for the SCSD. He sits on the Superintendent’s Student Cabinet. He is school leader at ITC for the Food Committee of the SCSD. He serves as the lead student on the committee, and is helping to implement changes to the district school lunch menu to include healthier and more diverse selections. Donnay is also a member of the youth council for the Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse (ACTS). In this role, he assists in discussions of issues pertaining to city schools. He’s also taken two levels of AVP (Alternatives to Violence) training, which teach peaceful resolution to conflict. Donnay volunteers at the Butternut Community Police Center and the Science Technology Entry Program (STEP) at Syracuse University. In summing up her nomination, his mom writes, “Dominique is an incredible young man who is a very high achiever. He is passionate about the issues that affect his community, education and his peers. Dominique’s work exemplifies the spirit, life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”