Beloved Syracuse Beacon

"I always say that non-violence is not the weapon of the weak. It is the weapon of the strong."
Betty Williams, Nobel Laureate from North Ireland
ARCHIVE ENTRY: May 2nd, 2017
Action Alerts
This week in our work to transform Syracuse, eliminate poverty, and create equality:

Public Hearing on School District Budget
Where: Common Council Chambers at 6:00pm, Address: 233 E Washington St, Syracuse, NY 13202
May 03, 2017
The Public Hearing on the city budget, including the school district, is Wednesday May 3, 6 PM, Council Chambers at City Hall. The Public Hearing is your opportunity to speak to your elected city officials. Try to arrive a few minutes early so you can sign up to speak. Ideas about what to say at the public hearing:
Make safe transportation for all kids a priority. On a daily basis Syracuse kids face the dangers of street violence and impassable walkways. Urge the Councilors to work actively and creatively to provide busing for all Syracuse children. Raise my city taxes and put the money towards the schools. Syracuse has raised property taxes over the last 30 years only a handful of times. If it’s important to you to live in a community that invests, first and foremost, in the welfare of its children, stand up and tell the Council you want their budget to reflect this. Or, you can advocate for a topic which is important to you!

CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting
Bishop Harrison Diocesan Center, 1342 Lancaster Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210, from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
May 07, 2017
The CNY Solidarity Coalition has been called a “vital community ally,” by the ACTS Leadership Council. CNY Solidarity Coalition, is a non-profit alliance of individuals and organizations which strives to protect “People of color, immigrants, refugees, all faith communities, women, LGBTQI…and all other marginalized…groups…likely to be targeted in these uncertain times.” The ACTS newsletter detailed the CNY Solidarity Coalition in an article from the April 3rd issue. Included in this article is the story of Bonnie Shoultz, a long-time ACTS leader, and her letter urging us to engage with the CNY Solidarity Coalition. To read the past article and Bonnie's letter from April 3rd, click below.

March For Refugees: Day Of Prayer and Procession of Neighbors
White Branch Library, 763 Butternut St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA, from 3:00-4:30 p.m.
May 07, 2017
People of all faith communities are invited to join a prayerful procession in solidarity with refugees on Sunday, May 7th, 2017. Along the route, the procession will pause at several faith centers in a gesture of welcome and acceptance. The procession begins at 3:00 pm in front of the White Branch Library (763 Butternut St). The procession will walk through the Northside with brief stops at several faith locations and conclude back at the library at about 4:30 pm.For more details and a map of the route, click the button below:
Weekly Member Organization Events

If you are an ACTS Member Organization and have an upcoming social justice event please email Ryan Ivers at rivers2@oswego.edu

Weekly Victories
Together we came closer to our goals. Let's reflect on the vital work we did last week:

Co-Chair Timothy Kirkland's Newest Challenge
“We have to go back to a sense of community,” said Timothy Kirkland in an interview with ACTS, “We have to open our arms for our youth, not judge our youth, not turn our backs on our youth. I believe ACTS has a crucial role to play in this.”
Kirkland is the new Co-Chair of the ACTS Community Violence and Youth Task Force (CV&Y). This chapter began on April 13th, as he was appointed at the CV&Y meeting. Kirkland’s whole life story, however, follows a path of struggle and redemption. From this crucible emerged a leader, one who is now poised to bring Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshops to Syracuse. In July, he plans to host the first AVP training session to mitigate Syracuse’s plague of poverty and violence.

A "Thank You" to the Community of Transformation
April 25, 2017
This week we extend our tahnks to all those who made the ACTS 2017 Spring Banquet possible. Next week, we will feature several of our awardees from that night.
It is hard to believe that the ACTS 2017 Spring Banquet was only last week. On April 25th, at 6:00 p.m., over 455 people gathered at the Drumlins Country Club to commemorate social justice. The attendees, from over 33 congregations and organizations, walked into Drumlins’ Banquet Hall to an atmosphere of guitar music and the constant hum of conversation.
County Executive officials, several mayoral candidates, and other important local government entities all attended. Organizations made appearances, while University students from Le Moyne and Syracuse University came to witness a night of solidarity. Finally, ACTS welcomed several speakers that night from within and beyond the ACTS Community, including the Keynotes Speaker Kathryn Howe Ruscitto
For a full description of acknowledgements, click the button below.
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