Beloved Syracuse Beacon

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Author of The Little Prince
ARCHIVE ENTRY: June 2, 2017
Action Alerts
This week in our work to transform Syracuse, eliminate poverty, and create equality:

Leadership Council Meeting: Deciding the Future of ACTS Social Justice
June 06, 2017
Where: Hopps Memorial CME Church, Address: 1110 S State St, Syracuse, NY 13202, at 7:00 pm.
Four times a year, the ACTS Leadership Council convenes with activists from all over Central New York. As the policy-making body of ACTS, the Leadership Council directs the future of our collective efforts. With far-reaching changes emerging on the federal and local level, it is more urgent than ever to unite for our community’s well-being.
ACTS member organizations, individual members, members of the clergy, and those affected by deep-rooted issues in our society should attend and cast their votes for various considerations at the Leadership Council Meeting. Actions for June 6th include the approval of new Members, organizing of educational reading-groups, and a proposal to resist the repeal of the Johnson Amendment, among other things.
To learn more about Leadership Council Meeting topics, click below:

Bike and Walk for Brady Faith Center: Benefit for an ACTS Member Organization
June 06, 2017
Where: The Brady Farm @ 8:00 am, Address: 150 Ford Ave, Syracuse, NY
On June 4th, the Brady Faith Center will hold a fundraiser for its various programs and ministries throughout Syracuse. To contribute to social justice, all one must do is strap on their helmet and salvage their bike from the garage-clutter once more. The Sunday bike ride has various courses to follow, including a 10, 20, and 40-mile course. In addition, those who wish to contribute without peddling can join the new 3K walking course. No matter which course is taken, by foot or by wheel, each participant will return to the Brady Farm for food and celebration. The event costs just $25 per person, a modest price for the betterment of the Syracuse Community. Click Below for more information:

Alternatives to Violence Project Meeting
June 08, 2017
Where: Southwest Community Center, 401 South Ave, Syracuse, NY, at 7:00 pm
On Thursday, June 8th, the ACTS Community Violence and Youth (CV&Y) Task Force will host a meeting on a project they hope will quell the violence in our community. The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is an international movement active in 35 states and 40 nations around the world.
AVP’s participants often include inmates, gang members, social workers, and social justice activists. During the June 8th meeting at the Southwest Community Center, the group will discuss details of AVP training programs slated to occur from July 14-16.
For more information on AVP, check out one of our archived articles about ACTS and AVP:

Unity Day: Community Engagement
June 09, 2017
Where: Jubilee Park, 161-215 South Ave, Syracuse, NY 13204, from 3:00-7:00 pm
There are three dates left in the “Unity Day: Community Engagement” event, where people from across Syracuse will gather to learn more about Trauma, Gun Violence, and Health and Education. Aside from their informative sessions, these “Community Engagement” events, sponsored by Snug and Soy Program, seek to build comradery between people who value social justice and the well-being of the Syracuse Community. There will be free food and DJ Showcases at each gathering, along with a kickball tournament for some friendly competition. With all the arduous work done by ACTS Community Members, a day filled with fun and relaxation is more than deserved. Since summer is around the corner, the Syracuse Community Engagement Events in June, July, and August are an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather, while it lasts. For more information call 315-415-0995.

Syracuse Mayoral Candidate Forum: Inform your Voting Decisions
June 19, 2017
Where: Southwest Community Center, 401 South Avenue Syracuse NY 13204, at 6:45 pm
The Syracuse Chapter of the National Action Network is partnering with the Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse (ACTS), and Parents for Public Schools (PPS), to provide the community with an opportunity to learn more about the candidates running for office of Mayor. This is an opportunity for parents, community members, businesses, and organizations to come together to ask important questions concerning the future of Syracuse. For questions, please contact Craig French (on behalf of ACTS, NAN and Parents for Public Schools) at 315-657-5869 Email:craigfrench@twcny.rr.com
Weekly Community Events

If you are an ACTS Member Organization and have an upcoming social justice event please email Ryan Ivers at rivers2@oswego.edu

Weekly Victories
Together we came closer to our goals. Let's reflect on the vital work we did last week:

Articles for Upcoming Issues: Membership Organization Spotlight: Zen Center of Syracuse Hoen-Ji

Read While You Wait: ACTS Youth Council Attends Global Music and Film Event
There was a moment between songs when Samite Mulondo, international musician and Ugandan refugee, asked the audience at the Syracuse International Film Festival’s (SIFF) “Samite and the Queen” event an interesting question. Who had spent time in a Kenyan refugee camp? From the vantage point of the Palace Theatre’s rear balcony, one could see dozens of hands raised against the lights of Samite’s stage. The audience on the night of April 21st consisted of refugees from all over the world. Just like Samite, many in the audience had escaped death, famine, and persecution in their African homelands by fleeing across the border into Kenya.
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