Beloved Syracuse Beacon

"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."
Dalai Lama
ARCHIVE ENTRY: June 7, 2017
Action Alerts
This week in our work to transform Syracuse, eliminate poverty, and create equality:

ACTS Statement in Support of Muslims
June 10, 2017
Where: Islamic Society of CNY Mosque, Address: 925 Comstock Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210, at 10:00 am
A fear-based rally against our Muslim brothers and sisters has been scheduled by several groups for this upcoming Saturday. ACTS decries this rally, and instead asks for everyone to gather at the Mosque of the Islamic Society of CNY in a gesture of love, support, and solidarity for our fellow Syracusans.
At the mosque, community members will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about Islam first-hand from Muslim leaders. Additionally, from 12:30 to 12:45 pm there will be an outdoor press conference at the same location, followed by a performance by the Syracuse Community Choir.
The congregation of Grace Episcopal Church will take a short walk from the church to the mosque at 9:30 am, and invites everyone to join them. Or, you can simply arrive at the Mosque at 10:00 am this Saturday, June 10th.
ACTS has released a statement in support of Muslims. To read that statement, click the button below. For further information, please contact Craig French at 315-657-5869.

Interfaith Works Annual Duck Race to End Racism
June 10, 2017
Where: Syracuse Inner Harbor, from 12:00-4:00 pm, Address: 390 West Kirkpatrick Street Syracuse, NY 13204
InterFaith Works invites area non-profits and faith communities to partner with the agency for the 15th Annual Duck Race to End Racism on Saturday, June 10, from noon to 4 p.m. This free family festival brings together organizations and individuals working to create racial equity. The Duck Race raises funds to support the work of the El-Hindi Center for Dialogue and features entertainment, information booths for community organizations, food, and activities for children and families. All activities are geared toward celebrating the diversity and vibrancy of the Central New York Community. For more information, click the buttons below.

Alternatives to Violence Project Meeting
June 08, 2017
Where: Southwest Community Center, 401 South Ave, Syracuse, NY, at 7:00 pm
On Thursday, June 8th, the ACTS Community Violence and Youth (CV&Y) Task Force will host a meeting on a project they hope will quell the violence in our community. The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is an international movement active in 35 states and 40 nations around the world.
AVP’s participants often include inmates, gang members, social workers, and social justice activists. During the June 8th meeting at the Southwest Community Center, the group will discuss details of AVP training programs slated to occur from July 14-16.
For more information on AVP, check out one of our archived articles about ACTS and AVP:

Syracuse Mayoral Candidate Forum: Inform your Voting Decisions
June 19, 2017
Where: Southwest Community Center, 401 South Avenue Syracuse NY 13204, at 6:45 pm
The Syracuse Chapter of the National Action Network is partnering with the Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse (ACTS), and Parents for Public Schools (PPS), to provide the community with an opportunity to learn more about the candidates running for office of Mayor. This is an opportunity for parents, community members, businesses, and organizations to come together to ask important questions concerning the future of Syracuse. For questions, please contact Craig French (on behalf of ACTS, NAN and Parents for Public Schools) at 315-657-5869 Email:craigfrench@twcny.rr.com

Unity Day: Community Engagement
June 09, 2017
Where: Jubilee Park, 161-215 South Ave, Syracuse, NY 13204, from 3:00-7:00 pm
There are three dates left in the “Unity Day: Community Engagement” event, where people from across Syracuse will gather to learn more about Trauma, Gun Violence, and Health and Education. Aside from their informative sessions, these “Community Engagement” events, sponsored by Snug and Soy Program, seek to build comradery between people who value social justice and the well-being of the Syracuse Community. There will be free food and DJ Showcases at each gathering, along with a kickball tournament for some friendly competition. With all the arduous work done by ACTS Community Members, a day filled with fun and relaxation is more than deserved. Since summer is around the corner, the Syracuse Community Engagement Events in June, July, and August are an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather, while it lasts. For more information call 315-415-0995.
Weekly Community Events

If you are an ACTS Member Organization and have an upcoming social justice event please email Ryan Ivers at rivers2@oswego.edu

Weekly Victories
Together we came closer to our goals. Let's reflect on the vital work we did last week:
ACTS Member Organization Spotlights:

Zen Center of Syracuse Hoen-Ji
Vows of Eternal Compassion
There was a sublime contrast between the silence of meditation and the chanting that followed during Dharma Study at the Zen Center of Syracuse Hoen-Ji, a longtime member organization of ACTS. Zen Center participants sounded like the organ of a church as they recited their version of the Four Great Vows, pledged each day by Buddhists worldwide...

ACTS Wins Award Through Moving People Transportation Coalition
June 13, 2017
Where: Drumlins Country Club Address: 800 Nottingham Rd, Syracuse, NY 13224
Peter Sarver, ACTS Convener for the Moving People Transportation Coalition, will accept the Study Championship Award from the Onondaga Citizen’s League on behalf of the Moving People steering committee. The Moving People Transportation Coalition has tackled the I-81 challenge beginning in 2013. Since then, the group has advocated for responsible decisions regarding the solution to our aging I-81 highway system.
Since I-81’s construction, it has divided the city and caused untold amounts of impoverishment for historically marginalized communities.Therefore, Moving People has fought not just for infrastructure, but for the prosperity of the people who live within it. The Ceremony at Drumlins will feature Susan Arbetter, host of WCNY’s The Capitol Pressroom, as the guest speaker. Other ACTS members of the Moving People Steering Committee are Barry Lentz, Marty Ours, Linda Ervin, Bob Haley, and Dave Babock. Congratulations to you all and fantastic work you do!
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