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Beloved Syracuse Beacon

“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts"


Abraham Lincoln

ARCHIVE ENTRY: June 14, 2017

Action Alerts

This week in our work to transform Syracuse, eliminate poverty, and create equality:

Syracuse Mayoral Candidate Forum: Inform your Voting Decisions

June 19, 2017

Where: Southwest Community Center, 401 South Avenue Syracuse NY 13204, at 6:45 pm

The Syracuse Chapter of the National Action Network is partnering with the Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse (ACTS), Parents for Public Schools (PPS), CNY Solidarity, Syracuse Community Connections, and Greater Syracuse HOPE to provide the community an opportunity to learn more about the candidates running for the office of Mayor. This is an opportunity for parents, community members, businesses, and organizations to come together to ask important questions concerning the future of Syracuse. For more information, please contact Craig French (on behalf of ACTS, NAN and Parents for Public Schools) at 315-657-5869 Email:

2-Part World Refugee Day Celebration: Come as Strangers, Leave as Friends

June 20, 2017

1. Where: CNY Philanthropy Center Address: 431 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, NY, from 2-5 pm---- 2. Where: Dr. Weeks Elementary Address: 710 Hawley Ave, Syracuse, NY, from 6-9 pm

Catholic Charities of Onondaga County has teamed up with InterFaith Works and others to host two World Refugee Day events. On Tuesday, June 20th, at the CNY Philanthropy Center, there will be a World Refugee Day Community Orientation, an informative session about Syracuse’s many refugee communities. Attendees will learn how community engagement can change the lives of those who have fled war, famine, and persecution. Then, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, at Dr. Weeks Elementary, the World Refugee Day Celebration will take place. Refugees of Syracuse will showcase their regional culture, cuisine, music, and dance performances reflective of the astounding diversity our world offers. Syracuse Mayor Stephanie A. Miner will appear as the keynote speaker.

Islam in American Culture: Can We Bridge the Divide?

June 17, 2017

Where: Near Westside Peacemaking Project, from 12:30-2:30 PM, Address: 601 Tully Street, Syracuse, NY

The upcoming community dialogue, hosted by the Peacemaking Project and the Seeds of Peace, will explore differing perspectives in a forum through questions, ideas, and stories. The Seeds of Peace group is comprised of Syracuse City High School students, trained by Interfaith Works to mediate sensitive topics in our community.

The Syracuse City School District educates hundreds of Muslims students, including some members of our ACTS Youth Council. Regardless of those who fear Islam based on falsehoods and stereotypes, Muslim families have become an intimate part of our Syracuse Community. They open businesses, participate in charity and social justice, and they commit themselves to the development of our collective well-being.


Still, to mitigate unfounded fears of Islam, it is helpful to engage in a dialogue that allows people to learn. This past Saturday, on June 10th, the Islamic Society of Central New York hosted a similar forum as a response to an “Anti-Sharia” rally organized by Act for America. Not only did it demonstrate Islam’s peaceful place in Syracuse culture, but also the benefits of holding an open forum for community members to learn about cultures they find different. “Islam in American Culture,” on June 17th, will offer a similar experience to those who attend.

Catholic Worker on Wheels Gathering

June 20, 2017

Where: St. Lucy’s Chapel Room, at 5:30 pm, Address: 432 Gifford St, Syracuse, NY 13204

Since 1984 Catholic Worker on Wheels has befriended individuals and families who are homeless, needing a home, or at risk of becoming homeless, and has been providing breakfast, clothing, and other forms of personal assistance related to the tenets of Christianity. In carrying out this work, Catholic Worker on Wheels has relied on the involvement and support of St. Lucy’s members, and would welcome involvement from ACTS Members of all faiths. All are invited to a gathering and informational meeting to learn about ways to become involved in this generous project. For more information, call St. Lucy’s at: (315) 475-7273

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Weekly Community Events

If you are an ACTS Member Organization and have an upcoming social justice event please email Ryan Ivers at

Weekly Victories

Together we came closer to our goals. Let's reflect on the vital work we did last week:

ACTS Member Organization Spotlights:

Zen Center of Syracuse Hoen-Ji


Vows of Eternal Compassion


       There was a sublime contrast between the silence of meditation and the chanting that followed during Dharma Study at the Zen Center of Syracuse Hoen-Ji, a longtime member organization of ACTS. Zen Center participants sounded like the organ of a church as they recited their version of the Four Great Vows, pledged each day by Buddhists worldwide...

Leadership Council Meeting Follow-Up: Addressing White Privilege and Islamophobia

      The Leadership Council is the policy-making body of ACTS, and decides the direction of the ACTS social justice mission. Comprised of representatives from each of ACTS Membership Organizations and Congregations, the Leadership Council features diverse perspectives that make each quarterly meeting dynamic. The most recent meeting, on Tuesday, June 6th, witnessed discussion on the phenomena of White Privilege, the allocation of ACTS funding, local leadership training and recruitment, and finally, ACTS’ collective response against an Islamophobic rally within Syracuse.

Click the Button below to learn more about White Privilege and Islamophobia as topics at the June 6th Leadership Council Meeting. 

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1085 E. Genesee Street

Syracuse, New York 13210

Tel: 315-416-6363

Board President - Rev. Eric Jackson

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